
Assessment & Evaluation

I provide comprehensive diagnostic evaluations to give clarity to an individual's life experience, with expertise in the following areas:

Evaluations include a balance of virtual and in-person assessment procedures and usually follow these steps:

All procedures are curated to address referral concerns and goals of the client. 

Intervention & Therapy

I offer a range of therapeutic and intervention support services for individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities and mental health needs. Treatment plans are individualized to client, family, and support system goals; paired with evidence-based intervention techniques in cognitive and dialectical behavioral approaches. 

As of April 2023, I am not taking new therapy clients. If you are interested in being included on a wait list, please contact me

Education & Academics

I am a classically-trained school psychologist and offer evaluations to help families and school support networks to best understand learning profiles and correlating recommendations for student success. Below are evaluation offerings specific to educational functioning:

In additional to individual testing, I contract with private and charter school systems to aid in testing for exceptional children's service eligibility and individualized educational program development. 

Consultation & Collaboration

I am available for a variety of consultative and collaborative services for families, schools, institutions, and professionals. These range from answering questions about an individualized education program to full staff trainings and supervision. Please reach out for more information.